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Tudo que .llik postou

  1. baixe o plugin ad_manager,em seguida ative-o depois crie um arquivo dentro da pasta cstrike>addons>amxmodx>configs chamado advertisements.ini dentro do meu arquivo advertisements.ini esta assim espero ter ajudado
  2. opa sou novo aki no forum cara ,da uma olhada no seu arquivo userconfig.cfg a outra coisa ,veja no seu arquivo amxx.cfg essa linha amx_password_field "_pw" se nao tiver, coloke do jeito q eu botei ai,, espero ter ajudado
  3. bind "F1" "amx_csay blue Go Mix aLL sPEC! ;amx_csay green Go Mix aLL sPEC!; amx_execall kill; amx_execall jointeam 6; amx_execall speak go" bind "F2" "amxmodmenu" bind "F3" "amx_tsay blue SPEC ENTRA [CT] ou KICK;amx_execall speak vox/fast.wav" bind "F4" "amx_tsay red SPEC ENTRA [TR] ou KICK;amx_execall speak vox/fast.wav" bind "F5" "amx_execall speak fvox/voice_on; amx_csay ALL TALK - ON [X] OFF [ ]; amx_rcon sv_alltalk 1" bind "F6" "amx_execall speak fvox/voice_off; amx_csay ALL TALK - ON [ ] OFF [X]; amx_rcon sv_alltalk 0" bind "F7" "amx_execall speak ambience/cat1; speak ambience/cat1; amx_csay green MiauuuuuuuuuuuL" bind "F8" "amx_cflicksay blue ((( OBJETIVO PORRA ))); amx_cflicksay magenta ((( OBJETIVO PORRA ))); amx_cflicksay green ((( OBJETIVO PORRA ))); amx_cflicksay yellow ((( OBJETIVO PORRA ))); amx_execall speak c.fool.bay" bind "F9" "amx_cflicksay blue ~> [TaGs AnD TatiCs | 60 Seg] <~; amx_cflicksay yellow ~> [TaGs AnD TatiCs | 60 Seg] <~; amx_cflicksay red ~> [TaGs AnD TatiCs | 60Seg] <~; amx_rcon mp_freezetime 60; amx_rcon sv_alltalk 0" bind "F10" "amx_cfxsay green ~~> Mod [ CPL / MIX ] Mod <~~; amx_fxsay yellow ~~> Mod [ CPL / MIX ] Mod <~~; amx_rcon mp_startmoney 800; amx_rcon mp_freezetime 10; amx_rcon mp_c4timer 35; amx_rcon mp_friendlyfire 1; amx_rcon sv_alltalk 0; amx_rcon mp_forcecamera 2; amx_rcon mp_buytime 0.25; amx_rcon mp_roundtime 1.75;amx_execall speak fvox/bell" bind "F11" "amx_cfxsay green ~~> Mod [ 4FUN ] Mod <~~; amx_fxsay yellow ~~> Mod [ 4FUN ] Mod <~~; amx_rcon mp_startmoney 16000; amx_rcon mp_freezetime 0; amx_rcon mp_forcechasecam 0; amx_rcon mp_forcecamera 0; amx_rcon sv_alltalk 1; amx_rcon mp_friendlyfire 0; amx_rcon mp_buytime 999; amx_rcon mp_roundtime 3.00;amx_execall speak fvox/beep" bind "F12" "amx_cflicksay blue [## -= Restarting =- ##]; amx_cflicksay blue [## -= Restarting =- ##]; amx_cflicksay blue [## -= Restarting =- ##]; amx_rcon sv_restart 2; amx_execall speak deeoo" bind "DEL" "amx_tsay cyan Nice Nice; amx_csay magenta Nice Nice; amx_execall speak nice;speak nice" bind "INS" "amx_cflicksay [## -= Live Live Live =- ##]; amx_cflicksay red [## -= Live Live Live =- ##]; amx_cflicksay blue [## -= Live Live Live =- ##]; amx_cflicksay green [## -= Live Live Live =- ##]; amx_rcon amx_say ## Valendo! ##; amx_execall speak life" bind "END" "amx_execall speak;speak misc;amx_cfxsay blue Admin .llik is ON;amx_cfxsay cyan Admin .llik is ON;amx_fxsay yellow Admin .llik ON;amx_fxsay yellow Admin .llik ON" bind "HOME" "amx_csay cyan hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha; amx_execall speak hgrunt/c2a3_hg_laugh" bind "PGDN" "amx_csay red Vai Se Fude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;amx_execall speak die.c.fool.bay" bind "[" "amx_csay Operado Seu Noob; amx_csay Operado Seu Noob; amx_rcon amx_say Operado Seu Noob; amx_execall speak i" bind "o" "amx_csay Pc do Demonio ,abre sozinho xD ; amx_execall cd eject" bind "p" "amx_csay Ae pornozão gravado com sucesso.. ; amx_execall cd close" bind "-" "amx_csay msn: [email protected]; amx_cflicksay green msn: [email protected]; amx_cflicksay blue msn:[email protected]; amx_rcon amx_say [email protected]; amx_execall speak deeo" bind ";" "amx_csay white ushaushauhsuasuauhshu; amx_cflicksay red ushaushauhsuasuauhshu; amx_flicksay blue ushaushauhsuasuauhshu; amx_flicksay green ushaushauhsuasuauhshu; amx_execall speak woop" bind "PGUP" "amx_csay blue Hey Man,nice shot;amx_csay Hey Man,nice shot;amx_execall speak ambience/goal_1" essas sao minhas binds q uso no meu sv,tirem exemplo ae (8))
  4. opa sou novo aki no forum cara ,da uma olhada no seu arquivo userconfig.cfg a outra coisa ,veja no seu arquivo amxx.cfg essa linha amx_password_field "_pw" se nao tiver coloke do jeito q eu botei ai,, espero ter ajudado
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