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Ae glr !!!! formatei meu pc e to querendo um config !!!!! por favor coloquem aqui suas configs de cs1.6 pra mim pode testa pra v qual eh melhor pra mim !!!! n custa nd por aqui e eh rapido e soh hospedar o bloco de notas que tem a config vlw !!



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Vc ja ouviu uma palavra q se chama BAKAP :??????????


ano sei eskreve certu






Devia te feito issu...


kara vo upa quandu termina eu edito...


jah ouvi sim !!! vou entrar em detalhes intao .. o CD onde eu gravei minha config quebro queh trragedia pior q estah haeiuaheui !


mais upa pra mim ae vlw !!!

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baxa a cpl gui

vem uma config rox

pega lah no

naum vou pegar o link para evitar a fadiga (como diz o mcoy)


Kem fala isso eh o carteiro jaiminho do chaves

e o cpl gui eh ruim pa caralho

melhor vc fazer suas propias configs

minhas configs:


cl_dynamiccrosshair 1

m_pitch 0.020

m_yaw 0.020

cl_crosshair_size small

sensivity 3

zoom_sensivity_ratio 0.8



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sensitivity "6.4"

rate "25000"

developer "3"

volume "0.8000"

m_yaw "0.020"

m_pitch "0.020"

cl_righthand "0"

cl_rate "12000"

cl_cmdrate "101"

cl_updaterate "101"

cl_bob "0"

cl_bobup "0"

cl_bobcycle "0"

cl_wheater "0"

cl_dynamiccrosshair "0"

r_decals "100"

fastsprites "1"

gl_max_size "256"

fps_max "150"

fps_modem "150"

max_shells "0"

max_smokepuffs "3"

hud_centerid "1"

hud_fastswitch "1"

hud_deathnotice_time "8"

hud_takesshots "1"

m_pitch "0.020"

m_way "0.020"

bind "p" "snapshot"

bind "space" "+bhop"

zoom_sensitivity_ratio "0.8"


eu uso essa e axo tri

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Minha config :


// This file is overwritten whenever you change your user settings in the game.

// Add custom configurations to the file "userconfig.cfg".



bind "TAB" "+showscores"

bind "ENTER" "+attack"

bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"

bind "SPACE" "+jump"

bind "'" "+moveup"

bind "+" "sizeup"

bind "," "buyammo1"

bind "-" "sizedown"

bind "." "buyammo2"

bind "/" "+movedown"

bind "0" "slot10"

bind "1" "slot1"

bind "2" "slot2"

bind "3" "slot3"

bind "4" "slot4"

bind "5" "slot5"

bind "6" "slot6"

bind "7" "slot7"

bind "8" "slot8"

bind "9" "slot9"

bind ";" "+mlook"

bind "=" "sizeup"

bind "[" "invprev"

bind "]" "invnext"

bind "`" "toggleconsole"

bind "a" "+moveleft"

bind "b" "buy"

bind "c" "radio3"

bind "d" "+moveright"

bind "e" "+use"

bind "f" "impulse 100"

bind "g" "drop"

bind "h" "+commandmenu"

bind "j" "cheer"

bind "l" "showbriefing"

bind "m" "chooseteam"

bind "n" "nightvision"

bind "o" "buyequip"

bind "q" "lastinv"

bind "r" "+reload"

bind "s" "+back"

bind "t" "impulse 201"

bind "u" "messagemode2"

bind "v" "+moveup"

bind "w" "+forward"

bind "x" "radio2"

bind "y" "messagemode"

bind "z" "radio1"

bind "~" "toggleconsole"

bind "UPARROW" "+forward"

bind "DOWNARROW" "+back"

bind "LEFTARROW" "+left"

bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right"

bind "ALT" "+strafe"

bind "CTRL" "+duck"

bind "SHIFT" "+speed"

bind "F1" "autobuy"

bind "F2" "rebuy"

bind "F5" "snapshot"

bind "F6" "save quick"

bind "F7" "load quick"

bind "F10" "quit prompt"

bind "INS" "+klook"

bind "PGDN" "+lookdown"

bind "PGUP" "+lookup"

bind "END" "centerview"

bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext"

bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev"

bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"

bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"

bind "MOUSE4" "+voicerecord"

bind "MOUSE5" "+voicerecord"

bind "PAUSE" "pause"

_cl_autowepswitch "0"

_snd_mixahead "0.1"

ati_npatch "0"

ati_subdiv "0"

bgmvolume "1.000000"

bottomcolor "0"

brightness "1.380000"

cl_allowdownload "1"

cl_allowupload "1"

cl_backspeed "400"

cl_cmdbackup "2"

cl_cmdrate "30"

cl_corpsestay "180"

cl_crosshair_color "250 50 50"

cl_crosshair_size "medium"

cl_crosshair_translucent "1"

cl_dlmax "128"

cl_download_ingame "1"

cl_dynamiccrosshair "1"

cl_forwardspeed "400"

cl_himodels "0"

cl_idealpitchscale "0.8"

cl_lc "1"

cl_logocolor "#Valve_Red"

cl_logofile "splatt"

cl_lw "1"

cl_minmodels "1"

cl_radartype "0"

cl_righthand "1"

cl_shadows "1"

cl_timeout "60"

cl_updaterate "20"

cl_vsmoothing "0.05"

cl_weather "1"

con_color "255 180 30"

console "0.000000"

crosshair "1.000000"

fastsprites "0"

fps_max "101"

fps_modem "0.0"

gamma "2.660000"

gl_dither "1"

gl_flipmatrix "0"

gl_fog "1"

gl_monolights "0"

gl_overbright "0"

gl_polyoffset "4"

hisound "1"

hpk_maxsize "4"

hud_capturemouse "1"

hud_centerid "1"

hud_draw "1"

hud_fastswitch "1"

hud_saytext_internal "1"

hud_takesshots "0"

joystick "0"

lookspring "0.000000"

lookstrafe "0.000000"

m_filter "0"

m_forward "1"

m_pitch "0.022"

m_side "0.8"

m_yaw "0.022"

model "arctic"

MP3FadeTime "2.0"

MP3Volume "0.110000"

mp_decals "300"

name "xDD"

net_graph "0"

net_graphpos "1"

net_scale "5"

r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0"

r_detailtextures "0"

s_a3d "0"

s_automax_distance "30.0"

s_automin_distance "2.0"

s_bloat "2.0"

s_distance "60"

s_doppler "0.0"

s_eax "0"

s_leafnum "0"

s_max_distance "1000.0"

s_min_distance "8.0"

s_numpolys "200"

s_polykeep "1000000000"

s_polysize "10000000"

s_refdelay "4"

s_refgain "0.4"

s_rolloff "1.0"

s_verbwet "0.25"

sensitivity "2.300000"

skin ""

spec_autodirector_internal "1"

spec_drawcone_internal "1"

spec_drawnames_internal "1"

spec_drawstatus_internal "1"

spec_mode_internal "2"

spec_pip "0"

suitvolume "0.25"

sv_aim "0"

sv_voiceenable "1"

team ""

topcolor "0"

viewsize "120.000000"

voice_enable "1"

voice_forcemicrecord "1"

voice_modenable "1"

voice_scale "1"

volume "0.410000"

setinfo "_ah" "0"

setinfo "_vgui_menus" "0"


exec userconfig.cfg



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